The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Friday, February 21, 2025

A Friyay for Canada!


I'm not a faithful enough hockey fan to climb on this wagon right now. But if there's room for anything these days, it's a little Canadian patriotism. So I'll jump on and ride this for a bit.

Way to go Canadian Team! Feels like we all needed this right about now. Uplifts politic-weary spirits on this wintry Friday morning. And the symbolism in these rhetoric-laden days is not lost on us.

And also.

Sports rivalries being what they are, there is an added layer to this game in this historical moment that bodes us be wary. We caution ourselves not to entrench ourselves in adversarial ways of thinking that begin to manifest in petty behaviours and hardened hearts both.

Can I just say, I am not in favour of anyone's national anthem being booed by anyone for any reason. If I'm not mistaken (open to being corrected here) in this particular series of games, we started it. I feel the temptation myself, if I'm honest. Canadian friends, we can do better than this.

God keep our land gloriously free of hatred, even as we stand steadfast to advocate for what it means to be Canadian. And even as I utter this prayer, I know that He turns it back to me, to us, and gives us the mandate and the tenacity to choose to love instead.

And to my Christian friends on both sides of this magnificent border, can I just say:

We are in this together. We are the Church together. We are in a unique position to hold on to grace, and stay fiercely committed to showing who we are by how we love one another.

At least, that's what Jesus said.
"By this everyone will know that your are My disciples, if you love one another." John 13:35

So let's cheer for our Team, advocate for our political rights, take action where and when we are called to do so. And as we are protecting all that we hold dear, let's include protecting our own hearts from anything that would turn us into who we don't want to be.

I don't know. Maybe you're all good on this.
I just know what can so easily happen inside my own soul.
Especially these days.

Now...I only wish I had a hockey jersey I could wear today! :)

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Already Yes

Let's play a game.
It's called "Find the Thai Bible."

I'll give you a hint I wish I had when I started this game myself.
It's on the bookcase pictured.

For context, I'll say two things.

First is about timing.

I've been searching for my Thai Bible since January 8th or so.
That's when Ken and I moved over from staying in our son's home to setting up here, in our brand new little house.  One of my first priorities was to see just how many books I could fit on the shelves that were assigned to the space that constitutes my office.  I was so curious to see how this would work.  So books were the first thing I sorted and put away.  Boxes and boxes of them, most of which were packed up last June.  But also, the books I had with me when I got back from Thailand last November, my Thai Bible among them.  In other words, I knew for sure the Bible was on the premises.  

In the last three weeks, the search has intensified.  That's when I've been working on Thai language prep for teaching Bible stories and preaching sermons while I'm there.  I can get what I need online, true.  But for anyone who knows, you know how it is with a well-used, well-loved Bible; how it feels in your hand, and how it's just easier to find the places you need to get to.  Plus, this Bible has important significance (that I'll hint at later).  I really wanted to find my Thai Bible.

The second thing is about proximity.

The pictured shelf is to my immediate right as I sit at my desk.  There's my light, then the printer, then the books.  Right there.  The whole time.

My Thai Bible was within my visual range the entire time I was looking for it.
See it?
I'll give a better clue.  A closer shot.


Now do you see it?
I'll give another hint.
It has a grey duct tape spine.
Yup.  That thicker one to the right of the candle.

Okay...more context needed here.

This is the Bible I wrote about in a previous post way back in the spring.  You can read about it here.  The Bible is, in a very real way, part of the inspiration that led us to this move in the first place.  The story behind it is that Yupa helped me prolong the life of this particular Bible by providing me with the duct tape needed to keep it together.  

Thing is, I knew that.  While I've been looking for my Thai Bible, I knew it should have a grey duct-taped spine.  It should have been obvious.  Also obvious is the fact that all the other books on the shelf are language books.  Not Thai, but still.  A perfectly logical place for me to put my Thai Bible until I would need it to prepare for the next trip.

In retrospect I should have made a little note for myself on my calendar.  I do that sometimes.  "Thai Bible is on top shelf of unit immediately to right of desk."  It would have helped.  Although it's entirely likely that, when I put it where I put it, I thought to myself, 'It will be right in plain sight if I leave it here.'

So, a really loud yay for finding my Thai Bible!  Made my day, to be honest.

And I can't wait to tell my friends on our Prayer Team at Highview later this morning, because two weeks ago, just as a small personal aside, I asked them to pray that I would find it.  In fact, when they did one friend suggested that we would 'look forward to laughing at the silly place it would be found.'  Ha!

I wonder how many other answers to prayer are like this?  The yes answer has already been given.  It's right there in plain sight.  We're just not tuned in enough to see it.  Or it's arrived all covered in very ordinary looking duct tape and we can't tell it's what we've been waiting for.  And maybe our prayer now should be, "Lord, open my eyes to see Your intimate involvement, Your very real presence here."

I will lay that down lightly now.  Not sure how far I can or should go with this.  Just some fleeting thoughts as I sit here feeling a little foolish and a lot grateful.  

Going into Wednesday with eyes wide open.
Praying the same for you.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Psalm 113:3
From the rising of the sun
to the place where it sets,
the name of the Lord is to be praised.

Quick before it's gone again.

Some sunshine!
Happy welcome to the day.

Don't let it fool you. It's crazy cold out there, and will be for the next run of days.

Can't help but be amused in my morning routines, as I lather on the moisturizer and layer on the sweaters, how differently-temperatured I will be next week at this time. By then it will be more like powder and flip flops. My weather ap for Chiang Mai shows sunshine and highs of 33 with lows of 19. Sounds great for sleeping with the windows open, and a sunrise walk on the property.

Meanwhile, I am in the prioritizing and packing phase of trip preparation. Making sure I have everything I might need downloaded on to my computer and Kindle for work and reading on the plane. Checking off what I can, deferring items to the 'when I get back' list, and making sure I have everything I need for the work waiting for me there. And the beloveds waiting for me there.

Yesterday was surprisingly productive in all of the work categories. I'm glad that a three day snow storm, while disruptive on a few other levels, did not interfere too much with what still needs to be done.

And I'm glad for a glimpse of the sun, and the wonder of winter, and the very lovely human beings I get to do life with.

Tuesday it is!
Let's see what this day brings!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Snow Day on a Sunday


Highview Community Church on line service only.
Starts at 10:30 a.m.

Two Minute Tour Open House canceled for today.
Hoping for tomorrow
Monday, February 17 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Stay tuned for confirmation.

Found the vehicles!!!!....barely!!
And it's still coming down.

We're taking the incremental approach to our snow shoveling around here. If you go out and clear it every couple of hours, it doesn't get unmanageable. At least, that's the theory. Right now, though, it's coming down so fast that by the time you finish one end of the driveway the place where you started needs it again.

We've come inside, shaken ourselves off, and now getting ready for the rest of the morning.

Being out there confirms the wisdom of Highview's decision to move our Sunday morning service on line. While it's disappointing not to be in person to share our stories from last November's trip, which is the theme of the morning, it's definitely a day to stay safe at home.

If you'd like to join, head to, scroll down just a little on the home page until you see Google Meet in blue. The techno fun begins a 10:30.

And on the theme of staying home and staying safe. We will also NOT be open for our Open House this afternoon as previously planned. We want our friends to hunker down in the blizzard.
There's always tomorrow. We'll see how it goes.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Snow Day!!!


My small contribution to our collective shoveling endeavours this morning.


I'll let the more muscular among us do the heavy work of the long driveway and clearing out the vehicles. I'm just taking care of the space between our houses and making sure our little walkway up to our porch stairs is good to go.


Wow! That's a lot of snow!!

Everybody stay home!
Or at least give yourselves (and your employees if that's you) a lot of grace time to get where you're going.

My day consists of Zoom meetings all morning (yay that I can stay inside), and one in person meeting tonight. I am hoping the roads will be mostly cleared by then....but honestly? Should be an interesting day.

I do love me a nice snow storm, I have to confess. Last night was all cozy on the couch watching it blow around.

This morning I am grateful for a warm bed, a roof over my head, a tea kettle and some candles, and the other more muscular peeps who are there right now.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sabbath Soft

I'm lingering in this Sunday snow fall,
at least the early morning hush of it,
as Ken and I shovel quietly.
(Yes, we're shoveling,
 and I'm still glad for the snow.)

And then the afternoon,

...laying low in Sabbath stillness.
Still snowy.
Reading and resting.

Don't worry.
We brushed off the van
before heading to worship in the morning.
But when we got back...

...we went nowhere.

Two Mondays from now I'll be on the plane.
I'll settle in and be quiet then.
Like today.

Between then and now?
Some bluster.
Packing and preparing.
Finishing big projects.
A meal and an auction.
Leading a panel on February 16.
Preaching February 23.

Not to mention
(February 15, 16, 17)
(Don't worry, I'll repost the invitation again this week.)
All good.
All very exciting.
And mostly, mostly, 
in good shape to be completed
in good order.

But for right now?

Just some Sabbath softness.
Mindful breathing.

And that is all.


Thursday, February 6, 2025

The Lovely Lifted Things


Loving the cozy vibe of this particular Thursday morning.
Almost Friday.
In one way, news-wise, it's been a week.

But also, otherwise...
I've felt loved and respected.
I've been enriched in some reading.
I've seen answers to prayer.
I've connected with friends.
I've had meaningful conversation with teenage grandkids.
I've been encouraged and inspired.
I've gone on walks in the sunshine.
I've tried something new (yoga neck stretches).
I've made progress on important projects.
I've felt settled and at home.
I've been humbled and reoriented again in receiving Communion.
I've eaten well.
And every single morning, I woke up in a warm bed.

And it's not even Friday yet!
All these things are good and true and not ever taken for granted.
And if the newsfeed gets a tad weighty,
all this lifts me.

In many of my conversations this week, I've been impressed with the need to keep each other in love and support.
I so appreciate the honest hope that others have spoken to me.
Let's keep saying the lovely things,
the grateful things.

Have a lovely lifted Thursday everyone!