The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Catching My Breath Between God-Sightings

It's been a breath-taking two days.
Back to back to back.
Conversations, meetings, visits, introductions, sessions, confrontations, Scripture.
Seems like it started first thing Wednesday morning and just wouldn't quit, right up to just before supper tonight (Thursday).


Funny. I remain convinced for some reason, that I actually do have control over how any given day will go. It's an illusion, I know, utilizing the mirrors of Outlook Calendar, my Blackberry and a weekly list of what needs to be done. Yet, in the last two days so much of that list has NOT been checked off.

Today especially.

Thought it might be a great day to hunker down into my office and pull off some much needed paperwork, emails, manuscripts, and other assorted concentration-intensive aspects of what I do.

But when I first woke up this morning, following an already surprising Wednesday, I realized what was actually unfolding for the day. Seemed like it was going to involve very little office time after all. So I decided to spare myself the frustration and enjoy what God had in mind instead. Probably sounds rather obvious to you, but for me, the way I'm wired, this is a mini, in-my-head kind of miracle.

I can't really give you the play by play of these past 48 hours. The Divine would get lost in the details. But the fact is, as I moved through these two days, He breathed into all of it, every nook and cranny with a redemptive activity that was nothing short of stunning.

Not a little part of all this was a visit from Asia's Hope's incredible National Director for Thailand, Tutu Bee and her delightful husband Dan. Their stories, both as individuals and as a couple, are full of God, full of compassion, full of freedom, full of hope. It's impossible to calculate the number of lives that have been rescued from despair and degradation because of the life and legacy of Tutu. It's impossible to imagine how much more God will do through them now as a couple, seeking to serve God on behalf of children in South East Asia. The time we spent together as a church was rich, warm, gut-inspiring. Then, for me, our meals together, sharing each other with each other, was like taking a long drink on a hot dry day. My spirit is so refreshed.

On top of Tutu and Dan's visit, I've also seen
  • the strength of a soul surrendered to God's sovereignty in the face of death,
  • been loved in the translated words of more than a dozen hand written letters,
  • been affirmed by the prayers of brother-Elders,
  • been awed by the synergy of spirit-led leadership development planning,
  • and watched God (was that Him grinning?) bring impossible but very welcome elephants into the room.

I drove home at the end of it full of joy and wondering at the undeserved blessings of the One who lets me do this pastoring gig - especially the part where I get to tag along to watch Him do His thing.

Tonight, I just need to be quiet, catch my breath, and wonder what's He's up to for tomorrow.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Simple Gratitude

It's been a quiet Thanksgiving in some ways, and that's been great. Yesterday, it was "just us" [minus one and I'm letting those longings be God's deal], with all three grandchildren and a walk in the maple bush right near our house. Loved it. Gentle, together, outside with the Creator....and my family.

Shouldn't be, really. So much would have been our undoing were it not for that same Creator creating in us room for each other, and forgiveness, and acceptance. I am grateful this Thanksgiving that I have been forgiven by my children for the inadequacies of my mothering, and that by now they still love me enough to want to take a Thanksgiving walk together. So grateful for that.

I am grateful for how that love is also the connecting wire to three (so far) stellar little human beings that mystically carry some of my DNA and totally carry my heart. My gratitude for that is unspeakable.

I am grateful for a husband who has walked walks with me for 33 years plus and still serves me in his willingness to match his stride to mine, both actually and metaphorically, as we follow what has at times been a very winding life-road.

I am grateful for the harshness that's come to us in different ways, meant to break us up, but somehow having been used to bind us tight. And the missing one too. In time. I know it, because of how He's proven Himself faithful.

Simply walking in a bush together on Thanksgiving.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Redemption Song

Today I celebrate all that has been redeemed for my friend BJ. Last month marked the miracle of her first year of sobriety.

What a gift to have journied with her these past 22 years, to see how strong love is and to know such loyalty and truth from such a friend!

Blessings and strength to you, dear heart. May you press onward into all the abundance that God still longs to give you.