You said it was done.
It's done.
In all my doing I must remember this.
The Cross remembers this for me.
This horrific redemption,
this despicable forgiveness,
this revolting love
finished all the unfinished business between me and You.
Payment in full.
In all my doing I must remember this.
Not by merit am I made whole.
Not by effort or doctrine or intelligence or righteousness
do I crawl my way to good standing with You.
Not by being 'anything' enough am I found here.
Here in restored intimacy with You.
Here with Your face toward me.
Here with You standing behind me,
leaning forward to whisper clarity into what lays before me.
Here in a wild dance of worship, all golden.
Here with hands clasped tightly,
pulling towards,
foreheads touching
until I feel Your Breath on my face.
I am not 'good enough' for this.
But You are.
The Cross remembers this for me.
You finished the space between us.
And now....
And now my doing is for love, not destination.
like You said.
It is finished.