I'm not a faithful enough hockey fan to climb on this wagon right now. But if there's room for anything these days, it's a little Canadian patriotism. So I'll jump on and ride this for a bit.
Way to go Canadian Team! Feels like we all needed this right about now. Uplifts politic-weary spirits on this wintry Friday morning. And the symbolism in these rhetoric-laden days is not lost on us.
And also.
Sports rivalries being what they are, there is an added layer to this game in this historical moment that bodes us be wary. We caution ourselves not to entrench ourselves in adversarial ways of thinking that begin to manifest in petty behaviours and hardened hearts both.
Can I just say, I am not in favour of anyone's national anthem being booed by anyone for any reason. If I'm not mistaken (open to being corrected here) in this particular series of games, we started it. I feel the temptation myself, if I'm honest. But...my Canadian friends, we can do better than this.
God keep our land gloriously free of hatred, even as we stand steadfast to advocate for what it means to be Canadian. And even as I utter this prayer, I know that He turns it back to me, to us, and gives us the mandate and the tenacity to choose to love instead.
And to my Christian friends on both sides of this magnificent border, can I just say:
We are in this together. We are the Church together. We are in a unique position to hold on to grace, and stay fiercely committed to showing who we are by how we love one another.
At least, that's what Jesus said.
"By this everyone will know that your are My disciples, if you love one another." John 13:35
So let's cheer for our Team, advocate for our political rights, take action where and when we are called to do so. And as we are protecting all that we hold dear, let's include protecting our own hearts from anything that would turn us into who we don't want to be.
I don't know. Maybe you're all good on this.
I just know what can so easily happen inside my own soul.
Especially these days.
Now...I only wish I had a hockey jersey I could wear today! :)