The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Time Now

Time now. I'm going off line for three weeks. I'll be at the cottage, and I am so ready to be at the cottage.

Time now. To just be. To watch. To hear. To revel in my skin for a bit. I'll be at the cottage, and I am so ready to be at the cottage.

Time now. To bake cookies and pick blueberries and swim. To sit still long enough to earn the trust of skittish creatures and let my soul come out of hiding. I'll be at the cottage, and I am so ready to be at the cottage.

Time now. To nurture my most important human connection and give the gift of space to all the rest. To heal a bit. To cry some. To laugh silly and think of nothing too much at all and everything all at once. To let the enormity of my life find its proper perspective in the bigger-ness of God.

Time to be me, in case I forgot how. Time to let my spirit marinate in gentleness. Time to sleep the holy sleep of Sabbath.

And I can do all that. Because I'll be at the cottage.

And I am so, so ready to be at the cottage.

And for all those who have shared something of themselves with me this season, thank you. I needed you. I will need you again as we go around again.

But for now, it's time.


Anne said...

The cottage is the best place to come apart. My soul rejoices in quietness with you.


Juanita said...

Dear Ruth Anne...God's richest blessing on your body and soul...His tender care of all that hurts...His renewing strength in all that is tired...His joy where sadness dwells...His hope for the days ahead...His presence for now.

"In this moment, I find God. In this moment, I have all I need."
--"Furious Pursuit"
Tim King & Frank Martin

With my love and prayers,