The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Talk about Talking

It's been great to engage in some on line dialogue about dialogue and have some good communication about communicating these past few days.

One person responded privately to me through email with some excellent comments (and some solid encouragements too, thanks). They had very good recommendations on readings and links that I'd like to pass along.

"One of my favourite courses, linguistics, included a paper and book by Deborah Tannen about turn taking / communication styles. Her writings include such books as:
That's Not What I Meant! how conversational style makes or breaks relationships,
and You Were Always Mom's Favorite: Sisters in Conversation Throughout Their Lives"

Tomorrow, we're heading into three weeks of talking about talking, in our Sunday morning series.

I've had a fascinating week, as God has interacted with me energetically, deeply about the give and take, humility and complexities of my communications with those around me. I'm learning a least I hope I am.

If anyone has any more thoughts, comments, experiences in their communication adventures, I'd love to hear about them.

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