The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My Daughter The Hero

Kristyn, it's your birthday today.

Joan Rivers has been quoted as saying that the best thing about having a daughter is that one day you look up and realize that you've given birth to your own best friend.

For me it goes one step further. I had no idea, that summer morning 28 years ago, that I was delivering to the world a human being so spectacular that I would one day regard her as one of my heroes.

This has come with such a price, I know. We don't get to be heroes without doing something heroic. This requires something more than the average person is not willing or perhaps able to give. But you have. You have risen up and out of what would have crushed and destroyed so many others.

More astonishing still is that you have not done this by drawing from reserves of anger and hatred. To have done so would have been completely understandable. Instead, your strength has come from a clear consistency between what you say you believe and who you actually are.

You have chosen love and goodness, even toward those who have wounded you. You have refused to be defined by the outside forces beyond your control, and have instead determined what IS in your control, and then marked out a path for you and your family based on hope and beauty and strength. How remarkable!!

So, my Hero Warrior Daughter, I celebrate the day God gave you to us! He is already mightily using you for His plans and purposes, for there is no more noble calling than to show the world how God loves.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

1 comment:

Kristyn Hiemstra said...

If I am able to be an example of God's love to others, it is only because I have seen you live it out every day of my entire life.

Thank you for being exactly the mother I have always needed you to be. I would not be where I am today without your undeniable love, encouragement and support. And although my handwriting may never be as neat as yours, you will always be my inspiration - especially when I look into the faces of my own children, and hope that I am able to pass on the same gifts of faith, loyalty, gentleness, and unconditional love to them.

Love you, Mom!