The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Out of My Own Backyard

Driving up the coastline toward Ft. Meyers for a short ride this morning, I couldn't help but think something.

Beautiful beach front homes lined the way; tall, elegant, extremely modern, with stunning views of the gulf. I roll down the window and shamelessly point my camera at the homes of strangers. I am so curious about whoever would live in such a place. What's it like to live like that? How do these people make their living? Who loves them? And I wonder who's around to make sure they know, that no matter who they are on the social scale, God is crazy about them, and has a meaningful, difference-making life in mind for them.

And I remembered visiting the Lahu village, north of Chiang Mai, and shamelessly pointing my camera at the home of a stranger. Simple, tidy, extremely ancient, with a spectacular view of the hills. I am so curious about whoever would live in such a place. What's it like to live like that? Who loves them? How do these people make their living? And I wonder who's around to make sure they know, that no matter who they are on the social scale, God is crazy about them, and has a meaningful difference-making life in mind for them.

And I'm thinking all of a sudden about all the houses going up along Ira Needles Boulevard, back home; the houses I pray for every day as I drive to the church; the ones with no particular view really. I am wondering who will live there, how will they make their living, who loves them? But I don't have to wonder who's around to make sure they know, that no matter who they are on any social scale, God is crazy about them and has a meaningful difference-making life in mind for them.

Because as far away as God sometimes takes me.....this is my own backyard.

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