The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

That Moment When You Realize It's Actually Happening Way Better Than You Imagined

Pictures: Children from neighbouring village get ready to ride home at the end of ESL Day Camp Day 3.

"We're here, and it's happening!"

This I say to myself several times a day since Monday, when ESL Day Camp began.

What was dreamed of in a visioning conversation with Suradet around the dinner table last year, and has been meticulously planned for over months of Team meetings in Canada, and eagerly prepared for on the Thailand side of things for a while already, has come to reality under a hot sky and God's gentle love.

I think the moments happen most strongly for me when we're singing. Beautiful Asian children smiling recklessly, doing the actions we taught them only yesterday with vigor and enthusiasm.

Or later, quietly, doing the puzzle. Or when a child just comes up beside you for a hug.

It's happening!

We're here making a difference and that's making a difference in each one of us.

ESL Day Camp. A new adventure.

When I was 11, I felt my first tug to Asia, beleiving God had called me to be a missionary. For such a long time I thought that had been a misunderstanding on my part.

But --

I'm here.

And it's happening.

1 comment:

Juanita said...

