The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Monday, October 16, 2017

A Song for the Good Men

Here's to my brothers;
the strong ones,
the humble ones,
who have respected me
and welcomed me
and marched beside me in the wretchedness
we equally oppose.

Here's to my brothers;
the gentle ones,
the true ones,
who've taught me so much
by being willing to learn from me
and have grown together with me in the ignorance
we equally admit.

Here's to my brothers;
the special ones,
the ones I regard as astonishing gifts
in a life that could have been lesser than,
except that you championed for me
advocated for me,
gave me a voice where I was voiceless,
and unleashed me to become
all I was created female to be.

Here's to my brothers;
who have never demeaned me,
or taken credit for my ideas,
or taken advantage of my servant heart,
or called my head little or pretty,
or suggested I wasn't enough,
or dismissed my opinions,
or my feelings.

Here's to my brothers
who have never, ever touched me in unwanted ways,
or made me feel unsafe,
or reduced themselves to something they're not
by behaving or speaking things
that only hurt us both.

My life is rich with all of you.
You are many.
You are faithful.
You are beautiful.
You are not painted with the same brush,
not at all.
You are a treasure to humanity.

And I ask forgiveness for times I was angry with all of you
for what some others had done,
not you.
Because I love you.
I need you.
And I will sing this song always,
for all the good men.

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