The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

My Life In Triplicate

I have three toothbrushes. 

I don’t mean all three in one bathroom, but three different toothbrushes in three very different bathrooms.  Like, permanently.

Same is true for shampoo, conditioner, body wash, hair dryers and other sundry personal items. 


What’s it called in geometry when there are three overlapping circles and it creates that space in the middle?  Had to look it up, and one very scientific paper describes it as a ‘circular triangle’, or the ‘intersect’ of overlapping circles as in a Venn diagram.  Which is way more math than I’m used to handling, except that it does pretty much describe where my toothbrushes live.

I notice this especially in times like right now, when I’m at my house, simultaneously unpacking from the cottage and packing for Thailand.  Three worlds literally colliding in the hallways, and on the spare beds and sprawled out on the pool table.  I don’t like the mess but I do love the richness of my ‘circular triangle’ intersecting Venn diagram life.  It’s like having a 3D life, vibrant and contoured and pulling me into adventure and depth and  wonder. 

Like living life in triplicate.
Deeply at home on Blythwood Road in Waterloo.
Deeply at home on the Freddy Channel in Cognashene.
Deeply at home at Hot Springs in Thailand.

Very.  Deeply.  Home.
Times three.

How did this homebody find a home in so many places? 
How did this control freak release enough order to manage the mess? 
How did such an ordinary little girl end up with such an extraordinary 3D, life-in-triplicate story?

Photo Credit: Dave Driver
‘Circular triangles’ make sense for a Trinity that loves that way.   Being drawn in gently, fiercely because of daring to say yes to a Presence vibrant and contoured and pulling me into adventure and depth and wonder.  Saying yes and yes again until all the floating circles come together for a place astonishing enough to hold three toothbrushes and three homes for my heart.

In the name of the Father,
and Holy Spirit.
He covers me in homes.

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