I'm down to some micro level sorting now! Going through zip locks I filled when clearing off my desk before the move. Found all the pictures and cards and quotes I had under the clear desk mat, and it was such fun!
My current desk is much smaller, and I don't yet have a mat under which to arrange all these things. I'm either going to have to see if I can find one that fits, or find appropriate new homes for the bits that are most important to me.
It's not going to easy choosing which to keep. Every piece was cut out of a card given to me by someone who knows me well and knew what I needed at that moment. Or it was something that reminded me of someone, like the birds remind me of my Mom. Or it was something I found for myself because I went looking for something to keep me oriented during a specific time of change and challenge.
It was lovely finding these because I'd kinda' forgotten about them. And, in a general sort of way, in terms of creating a positive work environment, I kinda' need them.
And the truth is, this is the positive part I appreciate about social media. If you can put up the appropriate checks and boundaries, and keep your radar trained on the things that enrich rather than enrage, it can be such a powerful platform to encourage and be encouraged, to inspire and be inspired.
So it's Friday! Marking this as the end of the first full workweek I've spent at my desk here in our new little house. It's the beginning of the next chapter of our lives, both personally and professionally. And as we continue to figure out all the ways things work in this new space, there is a sense of both deep contentment and excited anticipation. Who knows what God will choose to do from here on out?
I am grateful for the effort, passion and courage He provided that made it possible for us to arrive here. I am encouraged by the reminder that it's not actually supposed to be easy. And I am beyond words undone by His lavish grace that indeed does change everything.
And as we head into what's supposed to be a deep freeze next week...Mom's birds remind me that Spring is on the way!!!
Happy Friday. Hope you find your inspiration!!!
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