The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I've been seriously sobered this week, considering some frightening events of the past weekend. Three very important young people in my life were in a significant car accident that included their vehicle rolling three times before coming to a stop.

Remarkably, injuries were minor. On top of the obvious protection granted, there are fabulous God-stories about who He sent to the scene in the form of skilled passersby, and other "co-incidentals" that are anything but.

The whole of the story and the details of things, I will leave to those who were there.

All I wanted to do this morning was to express my HUGE thanks to God that the girls are safe and to ask for ongoing healing of the relatively minor physical injuries, and the healing of whatever emotional and spiritual components that accompany such experiences.

My friends, take your time and know that people who love you are very, very grateful.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

1 comment:

Juanita said...

Ruth Anne...I share the soberness of your spirit. I also share in my gratefulness to God for His graciousness to these three young women. I have, and continue to join you in praying for those who have been traumatized by this experience.
Thank you for expressing your heart.
Love, Juanita