June 3, 2012
Dear Beautiful Friends,
This morning we marked 15 years together as a church. Hardly seems possible, but by God's grace, here we are. And I know I said it this morning, but I want to be sure to say it again.
I love you.
I love serving with you, doing life with you, reaching out to regions beyond with you, worshiping with you, and having you to walk with during the joys and agonies. I love your creativity and tenacity and honesty. I love your loyalty, to me, to one another and to God.
I love the joy, the depth, the generosity and integrity of your spirit. I love watching you share your faith with gentleness and respect. I love watching you love each other. I love watching you grow more and more deeply in love with Jesus. I am astonished by how I am known and loved by you.
It truly has been a privilege to have been in this with you for the entire 15 year run, not all of those as your pastor, but all of them as your friend.
Highview's growing up. For all of our beginnings and boldness, successes and blunders, there's a new and humble movement toward greater maturity and depth among us now. There's a sense that we're coming into a season of deeper roots and stronger foundations, foundations laid with the faithful, sacrificial service of every single person who has called Highview home.
Today, with a young sugar maple sapling and bright ribbons, we marked 14
decisions for Christ in this season alone. "For our inheritance, give
us the lost" we sing, and God has been so generous! I can't wait to see
how big that little tree will have grown in the next 15 years! I can't
wait to see what God will do with a church on the roundabout at the
bottom end of Kitchener, excited and strong and fully surrendered to
Happy Birthday Highview!
Profoundly grateful,
Ruth Anne
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