The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Random Acts of God-ness

As we settle into our first day at Hot Springs, I'd actually like to tell a story that happened on the trip over.

It was on the first, long flight from Toronto to Seoul.  Both Esther and I had aisle seats, which is exactly the way to go for the endurance flights.  Means you can get up and move around any time you want.  It also means that each of us had 'other' seatmates.

On my side of things, I was traveling with two stunning, well dressed Korean women who were friends with each other.  We got along fine, but they mostly kept to themselves, slept a lot (more than me, I was jealous) and apologized profusely any time they wanted to get up.

It wasn't until the very last hour of that flight that I actually had a conversation with either.  It was with the woman who had the window seat.  She was standing in the aisle to stretch, like me, and we began to chat.  The first topic of co-travelers always leads with inquiries as to respective destinations, and so I found out that she was on her way home for some surgery so she could return to Toronto and continue her studies.  Asking further, I found out that not only was she studying theology, but she was a student at Tyndale Seminary, just like me!

Immediately the conversation moved into high gear, comparing programs, professors we had in common, and a little bit about what God was doing in our lives.  At this point we exchanged first names, and Meeching asked me about our destination.  She was very excited to hear Suradet and Yupa's story, about how God was reclaiming young lives in Thailand, and about Highview's strong connection, relationally and spiritually.

Then we sat down again and the conversation ended in the midst of the 'we're almost there' tidying ritual of the attendants.  But then Meeching reached over her friend to touch my arm. With a sincere face she told me that she felt God would have her give something toward the care of the children at Hot Springs.  And she handed me a single piece of paper money.  It was dark, and I couldn't tell at first exactly how much it was for.  But then I held it up closer to the screen and saw she'd handed me a US $100 bill.

This she gave freely to a stranger.  

I pray all the time that God would provide for the needs of our kids.  Our Sponsors are a HUGE part of that, for sure.  And the various times we've raised funds for specific needs, that's been phenomenal as well.  But to have this much just handed over to me at random like this?

I thanked her so much, over and again.  Promised it would get straight into Suradet and Yupa's hands.  Tucked it away into my wallet.  I couldn't wait to give it to them and tell the story.

Which I did, in the car on the way to Hot Springs from the airport.  Prajao di - God is good - in so many wild and random ways like this.

And I can't help thinking that this is only the first of many surprises God has in store for both Esther and myself this time out.

Esther, by the way, is a pro traveler, has a strong and positive disposition, and is embracing this experience fully.  Her first flute performance was this morning at the Sunday service, and both her poise and servant's heart served the dear people of Hot Springs well.

Stay tuned for more.   Especially pictures.  Just tried to include some here, but I have to figure something out on my phone first :P. 

1 comment:

Juanita said...

So very exciting Ruth Anne!!!!