The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Just. Home.

It's in the slow waking and unhurried first hour
of putting on the fire and knowing it will burrn
all day....

....there will be quiet and tea
and a long game of Scrabble and just
the two of us....

.... will conversate and laugh, unpressured by
calendars or clocks or phones or have-tos,
and it will be simple....

.....and sweet to rest in the simplicity and 'now-ness'
of mid-Christmas joy, setting aside for just a time the
necessary, fulfilling and competing demands
that mostly
keep me away from home. 

But.  Not.  Right.  Now.

Right now
I am fully, gleefully, gratefully present
at home.

Just home,
with a fire on.
All day.

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