The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Observing the Sun-Fast


Yesterday afternoon, working contently at my computer, I happened to glance over my right shoulder and out the window.

Gasp! What was all that bright goodness out there????

Sunshine!!!! Yes!!!!

I don't even think I finished the sentence I was writing. Like a wild thing, I scrambled to layer on the clothes and get myself out there before it disappeared.

I was not disappointed. Yes! I so need this!
These days I find every cell of my body,
every neuron in my brain,
every bit of cold O2 sucked into my lungs,
even my very soul,
is hungry, hungry, hungry for the sun.

Longings are good things I think.
They help us be grateful.
Guard against taking anything at all for granted.
Keep us humble.
Help us prioritize our lives.
Remind us of what's most important.
Remind us that we are not in charge.

And while a true fast is usually something we choose for ourselves, I've been trying to interact with these long dark days in a similar way. A sun-fast, if you will. Not on purpose, but with just as much to offer in terms of spiritual perspective and the opportunity to be formed more and more into the image of the Jesus I claim to follow.

On Sunday at Highview we sang:
I need You, Oh I need You.
Every hour I need You.
My one defense, my righteousness
O Lord how I need You."

Yes. Like I need the sunshine after days without.

"As the deer pants for streams of water,
so my soul pants for you, my God."
Psalm 42:1

Desperate longings.

May I never fall into complacency, Lord!
I need You.

Wishing you vibrancy, and longing, and deeper things this Tuesday.

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