The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Aslan's on the Move

One side benefit from being in Thailand just before Ken's birthday is that I can often break through the 'my husband's so hard to buy for' barrier and find a truly unique gift.

This genuine leather portfolio was a steal at the market. Then we made a trip to the Umbrella Store where, for a mere pittance, artisans paint incredible designs on almost anything you hand to them.

When Ken was with me last time, he favoured the image of a lion to be drawn on his computer. So that's what I was looking for. The particular artist who did it for him then wasn't there that day. But I found a guy who was willing to scroll through some pictures on his phone until we found one I liked.

And just like that, in a matter of 20 minutes, he created this vivid image. He was going to charge me 200 THB, which is basically equivalent to $8 CDN. I couldn't do it. I gave him 500, closer to $20. Because, come on!

So, the stately lion, C.S. Lewis' image of Christ, the Lion of Judah, comes home to celebrate with us last night. Maybe we'll have to watch the movie again over the holidays.

So happy birthday to my one and only. I waited to today to post this because I didn't want to spoil the surprise. Although, for my own amusement only, it could have actually been a test of Ken's Facebook feed awareness (hint, very low).

Tuesday, and the week is moving along nicely.

Tonight we can reinstate 'jam night' for our two musical grandkids, something we had to suspend over the time Ken and I were not in the city. Getting back to more regular rhythms and reconnecting relationally. Feels good.

Have a great day folks, whatever it holds for you!!!

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