The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Friday, June 18, 2010

Zachary and the Geeee-Grin

It's my grandson's first birthday.

That would certainly be reason enough for a party. Bring on the cake! Gather friends and family! Take lots of pictures! He's a charmer, and is often the centre of attention anyway.

Twelve whole months! Vivid memories of a short night of labour and the strong and gentle way his mother delivered him to us.

The strong and gentle way God brought him to us, sort of when we were least expecting him, but completely expected by bigger plans in heaven than we could know.

And in this year God's greater plans are still largely hidden to us, except His plan to inject a joyfulness into our home we needed so much. That we know. That we can tell.

Zachary smiles and laughs out loud like every baby. But he also has this thing he does that seems to be part sheer delight and part completely pleased with himself, that is unique to the babies in our family so far. He tilts his head back and squeezes his eyes shut tight and makes this 'geeee' sort of sound from a wide, wide grin. It's impossible not to feel happy when he does that. Like trying to keep your eyes open when you sneeze. I've tried. I've tried to stay sad and serious, but he turns on that geeee-grin and - boom - happy - every time.

Currently I am spending long and relaxed times on the end of a dock answering deep questions in my journal. I have this lavish luxury because I am on an LOA from my real life, and get to play in this cottage life for a while.

One of today's dock questions, posed by a wise friend, was: What's your 'gut reaction' as to why you were created? It's a good question, geared to making me think and feel more deeply about what it is I want to accomplish in the "last third" of my time on earth, so to speak.

I'm still working on the answer for me. And of course, for Zachary it's way, way too soon to start guessing. Except for this. And it's not a guess. I am convinced that Zachary was generously given to us to remind us that in the midst of sorrow there is joy.

"You turned my wailing to dancing....and clothed me with joy" the psalmist claimed (Ps 30:11). You brought the geeee-grin of delight, and this brand new wonderful person into being, and we celebrate him this day with deep, deep gratitude.

May this day and many days, somehow register in your new tender psyche to tell your soul how valued you are.
May God shine His face on all you are becoming.
And may your wonderful, sugar conscious mother let you eat cake.

Happy birthday little man.

Love, Gramma


Juanita said...

Oh Ruth Anne...I soooooo believe what you have said...that Zachary is God's gift to us in the midst of a very dark time...and I think EVERY time I see His gorgeous all encompassing smile...I see God.
Blessings Gramma.
Love, Juanita
P.S. He's a very careful cake eater :)

Anne said...

Dear Zach:
Your Gramma loves you. And so do lots of other people. Keep on grinning. We love it - and you.
