The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Thursday, February 27, 2025

When You've Lost a Tooth and You're Reworking Your Smile

This is Micah.
One of the smiliest boys you'll ever meet.

But right now he's got a little problem.
He's just lost an upper front tooth.
And it feels weird.
He's not sure how to work his smile anymore.

He's trying though,
and that's what counts.

I'm hoping to catch a more candid shot when he's not looking, and not trying so hard.  

Fun fact:  In Thailand when children lose a tooth, they don't put it under their pillow.  Ew.  And who ever heard of a Tooth Fairy anyways?  No, what you do when you lose a tooth is you take it and throw it up on the roof.  For luck.  Sounds ridiculous...until you remember the Tooth Fairy.

These are the delightful, normal, mundane things of life with growing children that are truly splendiferous to report.  These children come to us with anything but 'normal' stories, whatever 'normal' is in our own minds.  That Micah can be here to receive proper dental care, among all the other benefits, is amazing in and of itself. 

And then, personally, that I can be here to congratulate him and ask to take his picture, is just a strong and simple gift to my heart.

And it's not even the highlight of my visit so far.  That happened when I, on purpose, didn't take my camera down to the truck on my first morning here.  I had gotten in very late the night before, long after the children were in bed.  And I had slept through, also on purpose, morning worship to help adjust to the jet lag a little.  So I hadn't seen any of the children yet.

As I came around the corner, it was Jua who saw me first.  He gave a little Jua-like start of surprise (if you know him, it's kind of his signature move) and called out my name.  Then he started running, but not before he alerted the other kids that I was there.  That started one of those wonderful mini stampedes of wide-open-arms running hugs.  The best way to be swarmed.  

I didn't take my phone/camera, which I'm usually prone to have with me everywhere, just to be able to catch the photo so I can send all this goodness back home to all of you.  But there's also something very good just to be present in the moment.  Especially moments that involve enthusiastic greetings from children who know they are loved.

I am grateful, so grateful, for an uneventful trip here.
Jet lag is minimal, and I'm attributing that to being exhausted I before I left.  It seems to have sorted itself out in a lovely way by the required first days of rest and recovery.
Feeling good, with an appetite even, which is unusual for the first few days.
Already feeling productive in what I've been able to do in the quiet of this place once the kids have gone to school.
Weather is splendid.  Not too hot yet.  Great for sleeping with the windows open, which is my favourite way to sleep.

All in all, a fabulous first few days.
Now, if I can just catch Micah in one of his famous, wide mouth smiles.  


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