The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Doodles for Peace

Finally, my brothers and sisters,
whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is noble,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable --
whatever is is excellent or worthy of praise,
think on these things.
And the peace of God will be with you.
Philippians 4:8-9

I'd forgotten about the calming power of the pencil crayon doodle combo.  

We are colouring together, the children and I, a little bit after school, after all the homework is done.  Some are on the porch with a puzzle, and others are batting around the Canadian balloons we found in one of the bins.  But several of us have settled into a quiet way of being together, just doodling and colouring.


Just on my own, without any indication to the children whatsoever, I experimented with a word doodle connecting the letters with hearts by a series of parallel lines, some straight some wavy, and all for fun.  I'm not even paying that much attention, to be honest, until I glance over at Jua beside me and realize he is using my doodle as a pattern.  Tharit too.

But each with their own flair, their own chosen medium.  Because markers are cool too.

I say nothing, but realize that I am feeling inexplicably amused and pleased about this.  Can't help smiling on their interest and concentration and imitation.  We keep doodling, Jua and Tharit and I.  Across the table Beemai is creating something that will later demonstrate a big step in her own creative expression.  So much colour!

I am aware of the puzzle-makers' voices just outside, as they negotiate who is doing the edge pieces.  And of the dogs barking, and of the sounds of birds I couldn't name.  And the fan, because the room is warm, but not too much so.  All is quiet otherwise.  

I am fully in this moment.

Unexpectedly, I am singing a lullaby I sang over my own children and grandchildren. 

"Today while the blossoms still cling to the vine, 
I'll taste your strawberries and drink your sweet wine.  
A million tomorrows will all pass away, 
'ere I forget all the joy that is mine....
(New Christy Minstrels, 1964)

I actually don't finish the song, because I choke up just a bit with emotion I didn't expect to be quite so close to the surface. long has it been since my spirit rested in this much in-the-moment contentment?  And true it is that strawberries and wine are sweet only in passing, and we absolutely must taste the goodness of the right-here-right-now any time it offers itself to us.

There is trouble all around the world today.  I know this because the internet reaches us even here.  But right now, right here, in this moment, all is well.  All is true and right and pure and noble and lovely and admirable, and excellent and praiseworthy.  And I choose to think on these things, and be in these things.

And the God of peace is with us.  I can smell it.

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