It's so easy to fall into a time warp continuum when everything around you reminds you of nothing related to the clock or schedules, but only to the rhythms of the created order and the holy hush that wraps you up in it.
It's all about the light, I think, or the water. Or the light on the water. And being away from everything else for days at a time.
There's a timeless patience everywhere. In the rocks. In the way the trees bend their growth with the prevailing push of westerly unseen forces.
It's in the tim
And it's time to connect with the Timeless One, who for eternity has loved me, as startling as that is, but as clear as it becomes, when you have time.
Time for the Light to shine warm and wonderful on the stilling waters of my soul.
Time for the Pneuma-Wind to breathe fresh into me again. Time to regain some trust in myself, as timid and cowering as I feel.
Time to be sought out and pursued by the Patient One, who waits for me to catch up with Him.
It's not enough, of course. It's never enough time in the place away from time. Three weeks blurs into what feels like a mere few days. And I would never think that it was time to come home again.
Except it is.
It's so good to see your face.
Here for you.
Welcome home, friend...
Love, Juanita
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