The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Swimming to Thailand Update

Just wanted to do a very quick posting to give you an update on the total so far.

Today I received another $750.00 donation, bringing the grand total to $1,320.60.

Thank you so much! This is so encouraging, and it's only day nine! The truck will cost about $8,000 Cn so that's my goal. We're getting there!

I am missing my ice caps very much, but I do have to admit that the swim itself, each morning at 5:45 a.m. is quiet and soothing and rhythmic and centering and kind. I still have to push past the 19 laps mark to make it all the way up to 23, so it's not like it's easy. But for 25 minutes every morning I am in a water-space of solitude. And God swims with me.

I am missing Thailand these days, and the inspiring, beautiful family of orphans who live there. Perhaps because I'm thinking about them and about raising the money for the truck. Perhaps because my heart has been wrecked by leaving a piece of it half way around the world.

I miss them. I am swimming in it.

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