The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Friday, July 27, 2012

Best in 39

Ken and I arrived safely home this evening, having spent one last perfect day, slowly packing, sitting together on the deck, going for my swim (Ken spots me in the red canoe), last bits of laundry and cleaning, and enjoying the great gift that is our time away in this particular place.

For me it was a total of 37 days (with just a quick visit back for a very special wedding on July 14).  That was a good, long time.

I realize how blessed I am to have both this place, and this time away, longer than most have for holidays.  I do not, for a minute, take any of it for granted, and am deeply and ponderously grateful.

The time allows some freedoms for my mind and spirit that are not possible during my regular, abundant and responsible life at home.  To have such an extended time for meditations and rest and reading and prayer and writing it all out, longhand, in a beautiful butterfly journey (birthday gift from Kim); to sit inside the sky, it seems, and hear Him tell me that the expanse of it is how much He loves me, and to weep for the knowing of it; to laugh -- probably more than I've laughed in the past 13 years all put together.

But I'm ready to be back.  Looking forward to Saturday morning time with Abby and Zach, some unpacking, and sharing in a graduation celebration for two pretty spectacular people later in the afternoon.  Looking forward, oh so much, to being back at Highview on Sunday, with that family of faith who is so incredibly loyal and gracious to me.  I don't deserve them.  Can't wait to worship together.

This was my 39th year at our cottage.

I visited first as a just-turned-16-year-old who was invited to spend the week at her boyfriend's cottage with his family.  That was....a long time ago :).  And I fell in love with the place then.  I've been enjoying time at the cottage every year since then.  And every year has it's treasures, it's memories. We got married, brought the children, they grew up having summers there.  And now, as empty-nesters, sort of.  The cottage has been a holy place for a long, long time.

But, I'm thinking, this year?..... with the weather and the timing and the comings and goings, and the time spent just with that same boyfriend-turned-husband.....this year?  It was the best yet.

1 comment:

Juanita said...

So thankful to hear this--rejoicing with you.
Welcome Home!