The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Five More Days

The Sunday worship service comes to a close, and I sit down with two dominating thoughts.

One.  I'm hot!  Not such a surprising statement since I am in Thailand, but actually this visit has been marked more by the cooler morning temperatures than anything else.  Approaching noon today....yup, I'm sweating.  As February inches towards March, the hot season will be upon us.  I can feel it already.

Two.  I'm done!  Well, not entirely.  There's still a few meetings to have and some estimates to get and five more ESL Bible lessons to do with the kids. Oh, and all the books we can cram into five more days!   But preaching this morning's sermon in Thai is the last of four in a series that joyfully pressed me to my capacities.  From now until Friday morning when I set out for Canada, the workload will be considerably lighter.  Feels good.

Just now then, getting up from that sweet ritual of the Sunday afternoon nap, I am realizing how much the demandingness of these past three weeks has affected my communications to everyone back home.  Feedback from many has been that, other than random Facebook updates, I've kind of dropped off the map.  I feel it too.  Sorry.  One day I might be actually good at what I do here and it won't take some much concentration!  (My brain is hurting from all the translation.)

Meanwhile, I would like to offer something of a peace offering by sharing some pictures that hopefully will fill in the gaps a little.

I'll start with hands-down my favourite creative shot from this trip.  This Eak (who Ken and I have the great honour of sponsoring) coming back from tending the goats.  Love the mood of this.  And the mountains in the background.  As an aside, a church from North Carolina who got connected with Suradet and Yupa a few years ago, have sponsored the goats we have here.  It's a way of making use of the land, teaching the kids some good husbandry skills, and turning a small profit towards the operating budget at Hot Springs.  Right now we have no less than seven kids (the goat kind) who are all only about six weeks old.  There's this free roaming time (with a fence around the larger part of the property) and it's not unusual for the kids to come read with the kids, if you see what I'm doing there.

Speaking of kids with kids, this is Boy who has been with us at Hot Springs since he was about eight I think (too lazy to go look it up in my files right now).  He has graduated from high school level vocational school, but has decided to pursue preparation for pastoral ministry.  We are thrilled, of course.  He's been back home for the past month, helping as an intern with the goats and the children, leading worship during evening and morning devotions, and doing assignments for memorization given to him by Ahjahn Suradet.  His disposition is cheerful and his heart eager.  Joel and Louanne, he does you proud.  Next month he will transfer to a Bible college in Bangkok which has a reputation for more demanding academics than the school he finished his first year at.  We are praying good things for Boy.

And while we're still chatting about the boys, I'll include a few more pictures of them.  The girls are always all over getting their picture taken, but the boys, not so much.  So, Sponsors of our young men, you are right to feel ripped off.  But here's Jabez, one of our newer children, who's smile over his supper is actually his face most of the time.  This is just one happy dude!  Dale and Mike, you help put that smile on that face, thank you.

What a line up of handsome young men.  Left to right, Mee-oo (Puala!  Take a look at the jaw line.  He's a man now!), Eak, Boy, Ju (a friend of Boy's and also interning with us before heading to Bangkok for Bible school), Philip (whom I can't talk too much about because I am just excited he's agreed to come on staff.  More later.)

And I'm out of time on this one.  That's how it goes.  I'll go ahead and post this for now and get back to more pictures and ramblings tomorrow.  

Meanwhile, thanks everyone over and over again for how you all make it happen.
And for your patience when I don't get to your emails!

Swat dee, ka!

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