The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

When They Iron Your Underwear


I firmly believe that a sense of humour and a whimsy for fun are essential qualities in a pastor. That's important to this story.

First, we have to state that a feature of our time at Hot Springs is that we are treated as honoured guests and very definitely not invited into the domestics of things. When it comes to laundry, I'm not allowed to do any of the hanging on the line (we have no clothes dryers at Hot Springs), and it all comes back to me so neatly folded. Anything cotton or wrinkly is ironed. Ironed? I don't even do that for myself at home. Sigh.

I sneak in as much as I can when no one's looking, but truly, they really don't like it when I help clear the table, try to wash dishes, or clean my own bathroom. Believe me, I've offered countless times, all with adamant refusals. Which leads to the sneaking I've mentioned, and a little bit of family fun.

One easy sneak is taking in laundry, because, well usually no one is looking. I was making such an attempt on a day when Wara caught me. Mind you, this was my own laundry, my own underwear that I was gathering. But Wara came around from behind the hedge, saw what was happening, and made the usual fuss.

'No! Ajahn Ruth, please let me do that for you!' I protested, clutching my underwear protectively. "Chan ow chewy." I want to help. You all do so much for me all the time. This is a small thing.

'But don't you want us to iron those first?' she asked pointing to my underpants. Full stop. I think my mouth gaped open just a little.

Iron our underpants? What!!!!??? I'm somewhat horrified that all this time, all these visits, they've been - gasp - ironing our underwear! This is so not how I would want them to spend their precious free time. There's taking care of us, but -- this is ridiculous!

I convince Wara that my underwear is just fine as it is, thank you so much, and I come back into the guest house.

"I just found out they iron our underwear!" I announce to the Team. Everyone is equal measures impressed and distressed. I'm just shaking my head as I put my clothes away.

Later, when the first opportunity comes, I pull Yupa aside and express very sincerely that, while we so appreciate all the excellent care we are given when we are here, please, please let's not iron underwear anymore.

Yupa looks confused. I say it again, and I look up a few words in Thai to be sure I've got it right. Then from Yupa a sudden big smile.

'Oh Ahjahn Ruth. We don't iron underwear!! I think Wara was making a joke.'

Yup. She got me good. We laughed hard at this one.

And this is the young lady who is now in her final year at Bangkok Bible College. Currently she is serving in a 9 month internship before heading back to the classroom in the last leg of her journey towards becoming a pastor. And we couldn't be more delighted to support her in this.

As well as having a sense of humour and whimsy, Wara has proven to be full of warmth, insight, integrity and kindness - exactly the kind of pastor anyone would wish for. Her biblical competency is also apparent in the brief but well-spoken devotional she shared with the children one morning when Ken and I were there this summer.

Our Garage Sale on Saturday is all part of this.

Raising money for our Student Fund, so that Wara, and others like her who would not have this opportunity, can continue their studies past high school. A rarity in some parts of the world where the education of girls especially, is still a 'thing'.

From 8 to 1 Saturday, September 23
at Highview Community Church
295 Highview Drive, Kitchener

Who knows? You might find a treasure.
You'll certainly be helping a treasure. :)

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