The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Hot Springs Under Construction!

 It's fascinating to me how God arranges things.

There's a brand new and rather spacious building being built on the Hot Springs property.  This is being funded by the Korean Methodist Church, which is the denomination in which Suradet serves as pastor.  The property belongs to the denomination, and as such, they are keen to utilize it for a retreat/conference centre.  I don't blame them.  Out of the city.  Near a natural hot spring.  Several acres to enjoy.

The main building is almost done, except for the finishing touches inside.  More pictures of that later.  Right now the construction workers, who are also seminary students from the Korean Methodist school in Bangkok, are working on the concrete slab that will serve as an outside eating area.  It's fascinating to watch, as they actually make their own cement, fill the small buckets, and spread it out over the rebar. 

 For those who've been to Hot Springs before, this building is located where the garden used to be.  I know, makes me a little sad too.  But Suradet and Yupa have another garden space marked out already for the next growing season.  Aaaaand....when this building is done it will have another two to three rooms to be used as accommodations when Highview Teams come to visit.  Plus the large assembly room will serve very well for Day Camp.  So it's a bonus all the way.

Can't help but think of the 30 bed dorm Suradet dreams of building on the yet-to-be-purchased land next door.  This is not the mandate of the Korean Methodist Church.  Bringing displaced children into a loving family is the dream and passion of Suradet and Yupa, and now Highview.  So projects specific to that mission are following a different time line as we seek God's direction and provision together. 

Meanwhile, we're enjoying having the students with us.  They are beautiful, passionate believers and bring their energy and giftedness to the community life here.  One of them even taught the kids a dance routine to the song, "Every Move I Make".  We're going to tape that and bring it home.   :)

Day Camp.  We're moving closer to the week.  The Team is doing well to work together on some of the planning that had to be cancelled due to snow storms.  Hard to believe there is such a thing as snow on a day like today.  37 C!  Today we went into Chiang Mai to purchase supplies and snacks for the expected 60 children.  Stopped off to get some photocopying done.  Bought new strings for one of the guitars. 

Yesterday afternoon Eg came to me with a gift.  He had taken some of the modelling clay I had put in his packet and replicated the hugging salt and pepper shakers that have by now become iconic of the relationship between myself and these amazing people.  The story goes.....  I bought these after my very first stay at Hot Springs in the fall of 2008.  The red shaker represents Thailand and the red clay earth that is so much part of this place.  The white represents Canada and the snow that fascinates the children.  Each time I leave, I take the white one with me.  It stays on my mantle in my office at church, and the red one stays on Suradet and Yupa's dinner table.  When we are together, they are together.  When Suradet and Yupa came to Canada, the two nestled together on the dinner table at my house.

So Eg's gift is hugely significant.  And the way he made these...they're not coming apart.

Tomorrow we've been invited to go to Bee's graduation from high school.  Should be interesting!  Then in the evening we're having a festival - a part together here around the campfire, much like what happened when I was here in October.  That plus the continuing preparations for Day Camp...and the Sunday service we're doing March 30 will keep us busy enough :).

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