The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

This Good Day

Me and Eg, who is so much more relaxed and comfortable with us this time :).

Heidi and Wara, sporting her cool Tomboy look these days.

Megan, humoring Eg who took my camera on assignment and fetched a multitude of wonderful, silly pictures.

L to R, Tonkhao, Bao (Bell), Cheunlong and Da, helping with morning chores (raking up the grounds after a heavy rainfall).

Dave and I getting technical details sorted out for Day Camp in Hot Springs sound booth,

As promised...finally....some pictures.  Most of these were captured by Eg, the little guy Ken and I sponsor, who was very responsible with my camera when I sent him out on assignment.  Sometimes that's the best way to get some candid shots.

It's been a very good, balanced day.  All starting at 6 a.m. for morning worship, there's been a lovely selection of time together with the kids, preparation for Day Camp, taking it easy in the heat (that means a nap at the hottest part of the day), and a quick visit to Hot Springs Park for a swim and a shower.

Yupa's cooking continues to amaze us, and we appreciate that she is only introducing the more spicy meals as our time goes on.  We are eating Karen (tribal) style in that as the guests we eat first at the table on our own.  I'm more used to this now, and realize there are other times when we can connect in conversation, which happens more and more naturally each time I'm here. 

Personally, I am reveling in the hugs.  The younger children especially, but even the older girls, are free with expressing their delight in our presence.  We come down the hill from the guest house and are met with a gentle, fervent swam of littles all waiting for their turn to throw thin brown arms around us.  Today we spent some wonderful time around the table on the porch of Yupa and Suradet's house.  Nothing fancy, just a pile of papers, one pair of scissors (must get some more) and several packets of pencil crayons.  Oh, and some nail polish.  Good for a couple of hours with that.  Love the relaxed, very interactive feel of times like this.

I must confess, this doesn't feel like hard work.  Not yet.  That will come during Day Camp, and even this weekend as we lead the service at Hot Springs and head over to the school to set up.  Next week will be very different.  So right now all of us are just enjoying the slower pace and relational opportunities of these days.  All are staying well hydrated and feeling good.  Jet lag is mostly, if not all done.  Now we're just tired when we're supposed to be :)....after a day well spent.

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