The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Love Like You Won't Get Hurt, But You Will

"God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.
And this is my prayer,
that your love may abound more and more
in knowledge and depth of insight."
Philippians 1:8-9

Still on this love theme, leading up to Valentine's Day, and likely spilling over for the whole week. Why not?

This morning, as I often do, I am reflecting on the both/and bit when it comes to forging the kind of deep bonds the Bible talks about when it talks about 'one another' kinds of love.

Paul felt it big time. His calling took him to so many places, investing in so many communities of Christ-followers. You'd think he'd sort of harden himself against it all, keep a safer emotional distance. He only got to stay in one place for short periods of time, after all. Better not let people get too close.

But he did. This piece from his letter to the Philippians is but one example of so many expressions of longing for the people he loved but couldn't be with at the moment. Pastor Paul loved deeply, and it often hurt him.

I don't know. I might be inclined to say that missionary pastors have more of an occupational hazard in this than others. But I know for a fact that this isn't true. Simply following Jesus' example of all out love for people who, for various reasons and various ways, will certainly end up causing you pain, is not by any means only the calling of the clergy. I know too many of you who love like Jesus loved and have both the joys and the sorrows to prove it.

Seems there must be a connection between love and courage.

I'm leaving it here for today. I'm tempted to reflect more on the other connection that seems to be presented in these verses -- between love abounding 'more and more' and 'knowledge and insight' -- but that's an entirely different thought. Intriguing though.

If your love is causing sorrow this Valentine's Day, for whatever reason, you're in good company.
Let's walk this together.

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