The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Monday, March 23, 2020

Promises I Make To Myself: Fostering A Healthy Inward Focus In the Midst of a Pandemic

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess,
 for he who promised is faithful.  
And let us consider how we may spur one another on 
toward love and good deeds, 
not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, 
but encouraging one another 
-- and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
Hebrews 10:23-25

Time to talk about self-care.

It only makes sense that as we make sure all of this doesn't become 'all about me', that we're also taking care of 'me' at the same time.

This is one of those oxymoronic both/and truths I've had to learn how to balance as someone who has had a caregiving role for most of my adult life - parent, daughter, pastor, missionary - but is true for every single one of us.  Especially now.  We can't reach out and offer care and support to others if we're not caring for and nurturing ourselves. And a co-relating component of this is, that the greater responsibility to care for the well-being of others, the more important maintaining that balance will be.

Hopefully, most of us already have good general practices of self-care.  But in times of stress, especially when regular routines are disrupted, it can often be the case that our self-care is the first thing that gets sacrificed.  It goes without saying that doing our best to eat properly, sleep well, and get some exercise, on top of the extra hand washing and....of course...can't say it distancing, is absolutely essential these days.

But I think what I want to address in this post has more to do with the spiritual elements of inward focus that can help us stay healthy and strong during a time of extreme stress.

With the humility of realizing that all the crises I've led through before pale in comparison to the global affect of this one, and the humility of knowing that we are all stumbling through this together collecting our wisdom together as we go....I would like to offer three  promises I'm making to myself that I'm finding are helping me stay healthy and strong as we press into these disorienting days.

As I invited yesterday, it would be great to also hear of your insights too, shared in the comments.

Promise #1:  I promise to make gratitude a daily habit.
At a time when it might be easy to feel restricted, distracted and afraid, it's essential for me to remember that there is still an astonishing amount of beauty and goodness and blessing to be found in each day.  And I'll see it.....IF I'm paying attention.  When I stop to list all that I'm grateful for, the list goes on and on.  Yesterday it was something as simple as the sunshine and fresh air of our walk around the block.  This morning with fresh snow on the ground, I am simply glad for the comforts of my home.  And here's the thing; when I'm saying thank you it's harder to be afraid.  So, one of the first promises I want to make to myself during this time is that I'm just going to build thank you into every day.

Promise #2:  I promise to release what I can't control and be responsible for what I can.
My niece first shared this meme on her Facebook page, and it's just such a good visual.

What's inside the circle is enough.  That's enough for me to make good decisions about.  The rest of it is way out of my control, so....I release it.  Like me, you might have other more specific things in that grey area outside the circle.  Things that matter a great deal, and you find yourself putting mental and emotional energy into 'fixing' it.  It's hard.  I know.  But it really does seem to go better for me if I keep this promise to just focus on what's under my control.

Promise #3:  I promise to hold unswervingly to the Hope I profess.
Now, more than ever, my faith in a God who is writing a bigger story, brings hope for brilliant redemptive outcomes.  Not to get into the cosmic debates or unhealthy 'end times' weirdness that global events often produce, but there's a simplicity for me in remembering that disease isn't part of God's end game.  That social distancing and separation isn't where He's going with this, ultimately.  That chaos and death and fear are not His domain and that He has the annihilation of all those wretched powers firmly in His mind.  I will not give in to the despair of fatalism.  I will not cave under the defeat of paranoia.  Instead, I Hope.  I hold on to that Hope unswervingly.  This is the God I profess, I worship, I love, I trust.

Another week of staying home is ahead of us friends.
Stay home, those who can.
Stay safe, all of you.
Make good promises to yourself.
We'll see this thing through to the end...together.

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