The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Friday, June 23, 2023

Feeling All Friday, Maybe


"Be still,
[sit down]
[stop talking]
[stop striving]
and know that I am God."
Psalm 46:10
[expansions added]

It's raining now, and we badly need it.

My poor potted impatiens, not as suited to the bare heat of the deck, will be glad. I do water them, and move them around a lot to give them some shade, but still. Today's going to be a good day for them. And the blueberries. And the trees. And everything.

Just got back from around the island before the first light showers started. That's now seven times around this season. (If you look closely, you can see the kayak tied up to the dock between the slats of the railing behind the flowers. See what I did there?) I'm aiming to beat last year's record of 33, so I've got a ways to go.

Is it really Friday already? Is this the weekend coming up? I can't quite tell.

I still have some things to get at before I can say my "work list" for the week is done. Today I have a phone meeting and a Zoom call in the morning. Then I'd like to see what else I can clear away before I close up shop.

Or -- maybe I won't.

There's just a different, easier vibe working from here. If tomorrow is another rainy one, so what if it's Saturday? I might be in the mood for some of the more absorbing study and writing and such that this season of life allows me to do. Is that work? And if it is, is that okay?

I confess, many times throughout my working adult life I've fantasized about doing what I'm doing right now. Being away, all quiet and unhurried, and listening, and digging deeply into "work" I love.

Never fear. It's just for a time.
But a deeply good time it is.
Like a gentle steady rain for the impatiens.
And the blueberries.
And the trees.

And everything.

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