The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Lapis Lazuli in the Morning

I think I may have taken a different route and ended up in heaven somehow.

Sun rising.
Mist on the water.
Not a hint of a breeze.
Air clearer than it has been in days.
And so silent.

I am the noisiest thing out here.
So I hold my paddle for a while
and receive the stillness.


All the way around.
Even on the open water.
So, so still.
So, so quiet.

A loon diving.
Two ducks paddling.
The heron unmoving and invisible as I glide respectfully by.
A doe and two fawns!
No pictures please, they all said.
I am obliged, since I am here in their space.
And they are so welcoming, thank you.

The water is so still.
So still.

(pause to be still on the still water)

Heaven is described in various ways throughout Scripture.
One is this image of a 'glassy sea'.

"Also, in front of the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, as clear as crystal." Revelation 4:6

This is reminiscent of when Moses and more than 70 elders "saw the God of Israel. Under his feet was something like a pavement made of lapis lazuli, as bright as the sky." Exodus 24:10

The water is that still, yes.
Precious gemstone polished and spread out.
The powerful, perfect Presence of peace.
Perfect peace.
Shalom, shalom, it would render in Hebrew.

"You will keep in 'shalom shalom'
those whose minds are steadfast
because they trust in You."
Isaiah 26:3

"Something of heaven touches earth," we sometimes sing in church.
Yes, like that this morning.

I will tuck this away against the chaos.
I will speak this into places that so badly need it.
Into hearts riding out waves of real life.
Because sometimes when we get a peek of it
we need to just sit still in it.

Sending this out to anyone riding treacherous waves today.
Or just dealing with the general chaos of life.
May you know still waters soon.

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