The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Fresher Air

There comes a time in every trip when it all just ‘settles.’  Jet lag is really done.  Eating well, sleeping good, and I pretty much have the rhythms of the day in play.  I think today is that day.

It helps that the temperatures have dropped to a very livable high of 30C with the evenings cooling down to as low of 19C.  It’s also been a breath of fresher air in another way just to be home today with no plans other than reading to the kids when they get home from school, and learning and worshipping together after supper.  I really needed this day to catch up.

Suradet’s asked if I would preach (and he will translate) at a multi-church thanksgiving gathering on Saturday, December 2nd.  I am already slated to preach at Hot Springs on December 3rd.  But I said yes because it was far enough away, and, well, it’s just amazing to be given these opportunities.   There’s always so much to learn from these beautiful, tenacious believers.  And to see other church contexts is important for me in keeping a broader perspective of life and ministry in Thailand, beyond New Family Foundation.

In accepting this invitation, I am fully aware that my communications to Sponsors and Supporters has been seriously lacking this time out.  Not entirely sure why, but finding the time to sit down to the computer has been quite a challenge so far.  Hopefully now this will even out and folks will be receiving a bit more in the way of pictures and updates about the children.  That is, after all, what it’s all about.

Norma has returned to us following her visit with Esther in Phuket.  Roger and Karen remain to take Esther on a little holiday.  All are well, and we are making the adjustments as a Team, with some comings and goings making for interesting logistics.   In every Team experience, I feel I learn so much.  Hopefully this benefits those who will come on future trips.  

And sometimes, in the midst of everything, I just stop and marvel.

There was once an 11 year old girl who believed God had called her to be a missionary to Southeast  Asia.  

It took 40 years to get here.  

But I guess an eternal God has lots of time to orchestrate His plans and purposes in any way He chooses. 

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