The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Christmas Eve Eve

Can I just say? I'm just claiming this as the white Christmas they said wasn't going to happen. So what if it's a few days off? This is good enough, especially since I wasn't here for the November snow fall, making this is my first real snow of the season.
And then, I really don't have any place to be until much later this afternoon when Ken and I will head down to prep a pre-show snack for the Cast and Crew of Let It Be Christmas at Highview. (Sorry folks, both shows are fully booked.)
Between now and that happy thing, I have the luxury of spending most of the day in the family room with the fire on. Okay, laundry, sweeping and bathrooms are on my weekly Saturday to do list, so I'll get to all that. But with so much going on with Saturdays all month, and because I was able to get everything nicely checked off last week's list, being able to stay home for most of today feels like a lovely gift.
In all of this, and with the space to reflect, I am mindful of other realities (some of it in news just received yesterday) that could, if I let them, make me forget that the harder things of life are why He came in the first place. Being fully present in the moment means holding all things in a sort of tension; the quiet beauty, against the noise of suffering.
Either way, gratitude is the place it takes me.
Glad for the right now of it.
This Christmas Eve Eve.

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