The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Sunday, December 24, 2023

For My Highview Peeps (A message from your Missionary in Residence)

- A message from your Missionary in Residence -
[These inadequate words go out to all those who consider themselves a part of the faith community that calls themselves Highview Community Church. I include those who have moved away, or for other reasons no longer gather with us on Sundays or other times. All of you, by virtue of having travelled together in some way for any length of time, have been an essential part of my spiritual life. I wouldn't be who I am today without you.]

Us sentimental types get even more so around this time of year.
I think it's the rituals and traditions, and having repeated them with the same people in similar ways over and over again. Or maybe it's how the Advent season itself gives us opportunities to stop and reflect on all the blessings of God on our lives, and how that can't help but involve big feelings about the people important in them.
I have big feelings about you.
I sure hope you know that already. I hope you've heard it before from me. And I hope that the way I engage with all of you, as part of a worshipping congregation, and in personal conversation, and even in my role as Missionary in Residence, manifests my overwhelming respect and affection all year long.
But just in case, and in this sentimental space, I wanted to say it again, and let you know again just how incredibly grateful I am that I have the privilege of journeying together with you.

You have taught me so much; about myself, about community, about Jesus. About what it means to live out grace and not just talk about it. About what it means to forgive. About what it means to put aside self and serve God together for a bigger purpose.
I love how you continually put your own personal agendas on the backburner in order to come alongside brothers and sisters in places far away to 'be the hands and feet of Jesus' in tangible, life-changing ways. I love you for your selflessness, for your persistence, for your faithfulness.
My heart is reflected in the words of Paul to the Church at Thessalonica, in the greetings and affirmations he gives in his opening to the first letter he wrote to them.
"We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labour prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ."
1 Thessalonians 1:2-3
Yes, all of that! Pretty much sums it up for me.
We are not a perfect church. I know this for a fact because I am part of it. In bearing one another's burdens we inevitably hear each other's confessions. May God give us the strength and grace to keep on becoming more and more like Jesus in all the ways we so badly need Him to grow us.
But for all of that, that we are so honest about what's wrong with us, I love you all the more.
And this Christmas, may you know without a doubt that you are loved, that you belong, that God is with you...
and that I count it one of my life's greatest gifts to be part of this community of faith with you.
Christmas blessings to you all.
May we see the goodness of God together in the New Year.

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