The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Friday, March 11, 2011


That thoughtful rooster always makes sure I get up in time for morning worship by 5:30. Not that it was a problem this morning. Jet lag hs been minimal but I'm still not completely flipped over the 12 hour difference and was up by 4. Spent some time chasing a goodly sized cricket out of my room (No wonder they eat those things! You should see the meat on those hind legs!!) and made my way over to the chapel.

Watching the sun rise while surrounded by the voices of Thai children praising God is one of those "something of Heaven touches earth" moments for me. We read through Prov 11 (same at today's date) and I was able to follow fairly well.

After breakfast the older kids spent two long and lazy hours with me doing a puzzle (in Thai - jeeg saaw) Jen Connor got for me to bring. It depicts a cottage sunset on still waters, and I played Steve Bell's Shepherd of Life and explained, I hope, how it all connects based on Psalm 23. And we just hung out (I'd say we chilled but that would be a lie because today was hotter) and I enjoyed the simplicity of just "being" and loving on the kids, listening to their happy chatter and learning more about them.

There was a point today when I was feeling some dismay at how much Thai I seemed to have forgotten. I was blaming it on my Hebrew course last fall. But then, after the jet lag and heat put me out for two hours, I woke up with a fresher brain and was understanding more and able to talk a bit more. So maybe I don't have quite as much to relearn as I thought.

Saw the frogs and fish and garden today. All these are expanded projects by which Suradet and Yupa utilize all the resources and the gifting God has given them in order to be as self sufficient as possible. The food gained from this feeds the family. What this communicates in terms of the work ethic and value system in play here is huge to me.

Highview has been beautifully connected with people of great integrity, gratitude and industry in our partnership with Suradet and Yupa. AND they are passing these skills and values down to our children, who not only eat the food grown on the property, but help with the related tasks as well.

I will see if tomorrow I can figure out how to send a picture from the blackberry.

Well then. 9 pm here and I'm thinking I could fall asleep (lap) quite nicely about now.

Think I will.

By the way, this is NOT roughing it!!! Especially this year so far. Feeling like I've grown out of the culture shock. Only took five times!

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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