The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Friday, September 20, 2024

A Simpler Laundry Life: So Far So Good


According to the forecast, this might be the last day in this spectacular string of days. Storms coming tomorrow perhaps, and then it looks like a bit of rain for the days ahead.

What better day to do a big wash, and hang it out to dry in the bright sun. Did the sheets even.

Since July 18 we have not owned a dryer. I wondered how it would go, relying solely on solar, as it were.

It's not like there's a problem with hanging clothes on a line. I actually kind of like doing that. It's productive and calming at the same time. I even stay outside at the end of the day and do an initial folding into the basket as I take things down. The clothes are Georgian Bay fresh, and everything tucks back into the basket in orderly categories, all clean and ready to go.

So, I like laundry days up here.

It's more about the times when the weather isn't so fine. It hasn't really happened yet this season, but it could. A string of rainy days might leave one stranded for clean underwear if you're not on top of things. When you have a dryer, you don't have to consider the weather so much. Even if you have and use a clothesline most of the time, the dryer is your back up. Up here, no back up.

There's really not anything too deep here to consider. Rather, just a realization that a simpler life, on a few different fronts, requires a different way of thinking about even the most basic of tasks. And also, for me at least, how easy it is to become reliant on things you can actually do without.

We're on this journey of down-sizing and simplifying. Right here, right now, with my clothes on the line, that's just a mid-point. Soon we hope to be able to announce more firm time lines for the build of our small home.

And then...more simplicity.

Wishing you all the simple joys a Friday can bring.

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