The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Prepared for Anything


"What's coming will come.
And we'll meet it when it does."

Chopping wood has been a special priority this particular cottage season.

We always enjoy the use of our fireplace over the summer, on those cooler nights or first thing in the morning when the temperature drops a little.

Of course we have to have S'mores! It's not a family cottage time without S'mores!!! And roasting the marshmallows happens best when a good fire is dying down.

But this season, when Ken and I will linger longer into the fall -- and we all know how temperatures can dip -- we'll actually need it to heat the place. Hence the woodpile priority.

It's hot work over the summer, and at the time seems ridiculous. Building a stack of fuel that will produce heat at the same time you're dying for a breeze to cool things down. But it's smart.

This is the kind of task we often do together. But yesterday, on a cooler but sunny day, when I was wrapped up in Garage Sale planning and sending emails and getting ready for my next Zoom call, Ken got himself set up and went to work. What's pictured is all him. All I did, on a break from my computer, was to gather about three loads worth and fill up the wood box inside.

Depending on the weather, I think we're going to need more than this. It's okay. There's so much wood lying around on the property out in the forest, we won't be left stranded. As long as we get to it and make sure we're prepared.

I'm a big fan of being prepared. I truly believe we are responsible for whatever we can do to plan things out well, anticipate needs in advance, reduce the stress of scrambling, or even perhaps going without just because we we're ready for something.


There's also a sense that we prepare for life by doing the inner work of building resilience and faith and confidence so that we can deal with the unexpected. Some things we just don't see coming. Regular practices that connect us with ourselves and with God's Spirit are also a way of being prepared. For anything.


In the midst of those experiences in life for which nothing could have prepared me -- honestly, nothing -- I also know firsthand what it's like to be carried, helpless but safe, in the hands of a God Who is never surprised.

Whatever you're preparing for, hope plans are going well.

By the way.
That smile of the face of a husband doing a chore that will help make his wife feel more secure?
That's a good quality in a man.

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