The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Monday, September 9, 2024

The Smell of New Erasers

Looks like a rainy Monday morning.

That's okay, because after the abundance of this past weekend I'm all good with settling in all snug to work quietly inside.

And with so many conversations, so much crunched into the past two days, it's good to be back by the water to unpack and process.

It won't be an entirely quiet week though. Contrary to my concern that working and living up here for the fall would somehow make me "disconnected," I am "connecting" via meetings and conversations every single day this week. Such is the benefit (and responsibility) of technology.

And such is the nature of swinging back into fall's start up of life and ministry. With 'back to school' comes all the other rituals of seasonal new beginnings, and it's not just the changing colours or crisper mornings that signal a time of refocus. It's a collective sense of what I might call 'the smell of new erasers' that means we're ready for the ways our lives productively move forward within the framework of structure and routine between September and June, weather we're in school or not.

Sort of like how making your bed in the morning helps provide a more successful mindset throughout the day (Google Navy Seal Admiral William McRaven's inspirational speech), fall's 'reset' sets us up for the season.

I suppose I thought that, being away from the city, I might miss out on that 'new fall beginnings' feeling. Happily, such is not the case. There's still reports from grandchildren as to how the first days of school have gone. There's still an annual Garage Sale to organize. There's still the 'firsts' of gatherings and meetings, and kick off celebrations, and seasonal goal setting and mapping out of plans.

Yup. No problem. I'm feeling fall big time. Smelling all 'earaser-y' here.

Sadly, because I love doing this, all my fall décor is packed nicely away in storage, I'm not too worried though, because, hey, there's no lack of pine cones and acorns and (soon) coloured leaves right outside the door to be creative with. We've decided against getting a pumpkin for the deck, though, because....bears.

And yes, I realize, and very much hope that, in a few days some summer weather will be back for a visit. I have zero problem with that, and will be enjoying as much outside work on the deck as I can squeeze out of the next few weeks.

But in other ways, the fall feeling is upon us, and I'm ready.

To all those still adjusting to new routines, strength and patience to you as you pack those lunches and get everyone out the door this morning. May you be graced with little moments of delight in the small things, and may you be present enough in those moments to let them fuel your soul.

To anyone feeling disconnected, may there be moments of meaningful exchange, enough to remind you of how beautiful and important you are.

To everyone stepping out into new adventures this fall, may you be inspired and invigorated by all that possibility!

Monday, here we come!

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