The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Fill Up the Heavens

Oh that morning sky!!!

After being away for the weekend and yesterday's heavy rains, it was glorious to be out in the kayak again.

This never gets old.

I believe I am in good company here.

"Early in the morning,
my song shall rise to Thee."
(Holy, Holy, Holy - Reginald Heber)

"Let me hear in the morning of Your steadfast love,
for in you I trust."
Psalm 143:8

"All of creation sing with me now,
Lift up your voice and lay your burden down.
All of creation, sing with me now,
Fill up the heavens, let His glory resound."
All of Creation - Mercy Me

If you Google "morning quotes" you'll get a lot about deliberately setting yourself up for the day, good or bad, by the way you begin.

For me, the wide sky is a reorientation to the fact that God is far bigger than whatever temporal troubles my mind wants to mutter about in that space between sleep and awake.

Just look at Him!!!

Pause for a big deep breathing in of fresh wild air.

I think this day is off to a great start for me!!

Wishing the same for you, friends.

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