The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Friday, September 13, 2024

Just Hanging Out on the Deck


"In quietness and trust is your strength."
Isaiah 30:15

Just sending out a Friday hello from this little guy I found relaxing on a nail on our deck railing. That's a finishing nail he's claimed, so you can tell both how small he is, and what I'm experimenting with in terms of cool features on the camera of my new phone.

We're coming to the end of a spectacular week, weather-wise. Every day but Monday, I've been able to set up my work station outside on the deck, and do what I need to do in view of the water, surrounded by trees, simply enjoying a quiet place to think.

This morning Ken has gone into town to take care of some in person business, so I'm on my own for the day. We get along just fine, working 'from home' together. But after a rather people-intensive, meeting-intensive week (and here I was worried about feeling disconnected!) I'm just as happy to grab a little bit of actual solitude for the day. Next level quiet, if you will.

And just as I am writing this I am joined by a humming bird who hovers for several seconds just above my laptop. So close I'm holding my breath. I can feel the movement of air from her wings! And...she's gone. No pictures. Not yet anyways ;).

So happy Friday, from me and caterpillar and the humming bird, and my chipmunk companions, and some blue jays who better get here quick before the chipmunks steal all the peanuts.

Maybe this isn't so much solitude after all. :)

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