The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Before and After

For me it's getting late, but I just wanted to put something together quickly to try to give you a sense for how Highview's connection with Hot Springs has made a difference.

For those on last year's Team and anyone who's seen the pictures already, you'll remember the sparseness of both the children's bedrooms and the kitchen, as captured by the cameras the night we visited there in February. It was probably what hit home the hardest, to realize that children actually lived in these bare bones rooms.

Being there this week was a golden opportunity to see how things have improved now that Highview is partnering with Suradet and Yupa for the care and well-being of these children. Much of what is "better" is actually intangible. It's the spark in the eyes and the increased laughter and the sense of everyone there being just that much more relaxed. Just the mere fact that a sponsor church had been found immediately lifted a great weight off the shoulders of Suradet and Yupa, and in turn, made for a less stressful emotional environment for the kids.

But the tangibles are there too. I am including just a few pictures to show the difference. At the top is the girls bedroom and next is the boys. You can't believe the difference the floors and bunks have made. There are some next steps still needed, and I'll be talking more about that in the next little bit as we prepare for our upcoming trips in the spring. However, be encouraged. What you are doing is truly making a difference in the lives of 15 amazing children who live in the foothills of the Himilayas in Thailand.

All meals, rain or shine, night or day, are eaten outside in this dining area. This also provides a place for the kids to play games or just hang out around the fire that constantly smolders at the far end. This entire structure includes the new kitchen that was completed early last spring.

As I wind down my last days in Thailand, there is much to process and so much I want to tell you and show you. This tired blog hardly does justice to the enormity of what I've just been allowed to see, feel, hear, smell and touch. And it certainly does nothing to express the depth of what's touched my soul. Thank you all for praying, and for supporting me in going.

I'm on my way home Tuesday at noon, midnight Monday night for most of you. Tomorrow we pick up the computer for Suradet and do just some last minute shopping for other things I'd like to bring home for the Christmas baazar to raise funds for the next projects.

More later.


Jen said...

I'm in absolute awe. My chin dropped as I stared into the computer screen at the amazing differences.

You're right Ruth Ann when you say we were hit very hard last year at their living conditions and that was a step up we were told. It's starting to look like a real home.

I want to personally thank God first of all, the sponsors and anyone who had a hand in making this happen. We have been given an amazing opportunity to partner with a fantastic family and I love seeing the difference being made. First and foremost in the lives of the children but like you said in the tangible things too.

I can hardly wait to here your stories and see your pictures.

Love yah,

p.s. I'm just dying to be there now!

tanyasz said...

I can't wait to see ALL of your pictures and to hear ALL of your stories when you get home. (except the stories about the spiders and the bugs :-)
Thanks for all of the blog updates it was amazing to follow you along your journey this way.

Anne said...

The pictures of Hot Springs show the difference before and after. If only we could take a picture of our hearts to show the difference before and after. Thanks for letting us in.

Ready to hear the stories .

Loving you
