The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Monday, July 24, 2023

Twenty-Four Hour Turnaround

I've been up and at it since 6:30 a.m. and am at the point where I can either keep on packing into the minute details, or have a nap and do it correctly a little later on.

Our ride doesn't arrive until 9 p.m. so there's time.
I think.

In this twenty-four hour crazy space, it's hard to tell where I am, where I've just come from, and where I'm going. Except all of those things are also very strongly part of the collision of the copious amount of details competing for my attention right now.

I don't mind.

I have had the absolutely astonishing gift of more than a month in a place of peace and joy. AND, in a matter of days I will be, Lord willing, settling into yet another place of peace and joy. And with Ken this time!!!

So what's twenty-four hours of spin? Nuthin' in comparison.


I do hope I get all the things put in all the right bags and weighed properly and stay relatively relaxed. I noted to myself that I now that I'm starting to get a bit on the edge when I'm working with zippers and ziplocks and binder clips and such, and I start to honestly believe that they are sentient beings deliberately being difficult.

Our flight doesn't leave until 1:45 a.m. I'll be up waaaayyyy past my bedtime (right Roger Bowman and Travis Golem?).

So maybe I should stop and try to get in that nap.

I must say it was a happy delight to come home to things flowering in the garden. (I'm not showing the back garden because...weeds.)

Friends, with internet being only sometimes available, and all the time changes, and the long times of being on the plane, I am not at all certain how often I'll be writing over the first part of this week.

We will certainly provide the updates as we go. Layovers and arrival and such. But if there's a bit of radio silence in the next little bit, that's why.

And can I just say again how very much we so deeply appreciate all your support on so many levels. None of this would be happening at all if it weren't for the generous love of Sponsors and Supporters who care about God's children on the other side of the planet. You guys rock, in case no one's told you lately.

Okay. Starting to feel even a bit more nappish than I did when I started writing.

More when I get the chance.

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