The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Monday, July 3, 2023

Wherever I Go There I Am

It was all about the reflections as I made my way around the island this morning. Water like a mirror, double the beauty of rocks and trees and lilies. Even our new boathouse looks twice a rustic.

I had a harder time getting a mirror effect with the waterlily, as you can see. I think the shot ended up okay, and the ripples make for an interesting foreground. But it wasn't the perfect image on image I was going for.


The problem was me. The more I tried to get into a good position for the shot, the more I disturbed the water. And if I stopped using my paddle to let the water settle, I would ever so slowly float on by and the bloom would glide out of the frame. Plus the deer flies were out with blood lust this morning, landing on my hands as I was holding my phone to take pictures. Note: It's really hard not to drop your phone while trying to swat away flies biting the same hands holding your phone!

I made several frustrating attempts, getting more annoyed at the flies and not ever really being able to get in the exact position I needed. And then I stopped, and laughed.

I was trying to capture serenity at the expense of my serenity.

In the end I settled for this capture.
And I'm glad for the reminders.

Five of them.

Sometimes it's me causing the ripples.
I can get in my own way of what I'm trying to accomplish, especially if I try too hard.
No one really knows what's happening 'behind the camera' if you don't tell them (which is both good and bad).
Beauty is beauty but perfection is an illusion.
Bug spray.

Happy Long Holiday Weekend Monday everyone.
Hoping you find your own serenity, or excitement, 
or whatever you need for this glorious day!!!

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