The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Operation Normalization (Sort Of)


I don't have any scientific data on this, but I figure sunrise-therapy has to be good for reorienting one's physiology against jet lag. The 4.5 km walk didn't hurt either, after all that time sitting on the plane these past 48 hours.

Getting back to more normal routines is what it's all about these first few days home.

I don't know how normal it will be though. This is a short week in the city, ending with Sunday when I'm preaching at Highview (on Saying Yes and Saying No). Monday morning we'll be heading back to the cottage with 4 out of grandkids in tow.

It's just for a short stint with Gramma and Grandad this time, bringing them back by the end of that week. That's so we can have the cottage to ourselves for the actual 'day of' our 45th anniversary. (Which is August 19, since some have been asking.)

Short week. Unpacking, packing. Here in the city physically, but...

Body. Mind. Soul.

I've written about this before, but that's really how I experience the order of 'the big return.' Every time, it's gone that way.

My body arrives on the plane, goes through the motions at customs and baggage claim, gets in the van and arrives back in Waterloo all on the same day indicated on my boarding pass. A few hours later I take it for a walk at sunrise. But it still feels surreal to be on Canadian soil again.

My mind, as you can probably tell, isn't quite here yet. There's a lot of NFF post-trip 'work' on my list, but when I'll be able to get to that is - well - not today probably. Today I expect very little of myself cognitively. Just simple tasks of unpacking and sorting and laundry.

And my soul.

Oh my soul, take your time.

Again, no scientific data but, when you've hurled your body across time zones, flying into tomorrow and then back again...

And when the time away has been a firehose of ultimate goodness poured out into the thimble of your spiritual capacity..

And when the time away also represented the marking of a significant milestone and a lifetime of figuring our way together...

I think it's only reasonable that a soul may need a bit of time to catch up.

So that's what normal looks like for now.
Like dawn-tinged clouds over a familiar sky.
Like a soft burst of pinkish joy in the morning sun.

I have to say here that Ken's presence for this trip was extraordinary. We are walking the jet-lag thing together this time. Which is good since we'll probably be up in the wee hours foraging in the kitchen for something to eat because we're starving....but we can do that together this time.

Drawback. My out-and-about will be more limited as I won't have Ken as my back up driver for any time after 12 noon. That's been my policy for several years. Very limited driving with jet-lag, and certainly not after lunch :). But oh well. That's probably just as well for us both.

So. I think it's Wednesday.
Happy that day everyone.
Hope you have the time and space to care for your body, mind and soul in ways that a true and healthy for you!!!

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