The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Friday, January 5, 2024

The Abundance of the Everythings


Just a few pics from our 'double sleepover' this week.

And it makes me realize just how much of my life is made up of such powerful contrasts! Depends on where I am on the planet and what any given week brings. For these past few days it was happy chaos of grandkids ranging in age from 3 to 17, and all the noise and mess and energy in that package.

This morning I wake up to a Friday that has me lighting candles, and hunkering down at my desk, head down into some concentrated writing, and answering emails from the rest of the world who did not extend Christmas holidays into this week.

Tomorrow another contrast, in that we will be 'putting away' Christmas, and the place will look rather empty, especially the corner where we put the Christmas tree. Never mind. I always leave up anything that's just about snowpersons, well into February. And the lights. Yes, let's not put the lights away just yet.

In all of this, all of these rather significant contrasts of family life and ministry life and even what the house looks and feels like, it strikes me that it brings it's own kind of energy and joy. All the ebbs and flows, the regularity of seasons, the freshness of something different for a while. The backs and forths of all the everythings.

Life is certainly not boring, that's for sure.

"I have come," Jesus said, "that they might have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)

Happy Friday folks.
Hope there's something fresh in it for you.

[Note about the pictures for anyone who's counting: Ratio of photos between young and older offspring is directly related to onset of adolescence. Just sayin'.]

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