The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The Delicate Kayak-Balance of Setting and Achieving Goals (OR Confessions of an Overachiever)


Well folks, I made it!

This morning marked my 35th time around Portage Island this season. <Crowd roar sfx>

Yay for me, and I'm so happy I'm even letting myself brag about it a little bit.

For anyone who's wondering what the big deal is, a bit of back story.

Can't remember how many years ago it was, but shortly after our dear friend Bill H (Céline Marcoux-Hamade) gifted us with a kayak, I dared myself to paddle around the entirety of our island. Before this, a canoe ride was maybe max 20 to 30 minutes long, and kept me in the safe confines of the little channels and islands I know well, not too far out of sight of our cottage.

But with the new found agility and paddle-efficiency of the kayak I found myself willing to venture a little further each day. One day I realized that I had gone half way around the island already, and to turn back and go home would be equivalent to going all the way around. So I did it. Felt good, that first time. A big deal. I wrote about it in our cottage log book.

The next season I dared myself again. How many times could I get around? At the suggestion of a friend, I set my sights on seven. Seemed quite ambitious at the time. But in the end, conditions being what they were, I actually accomplished a little more than double that goal that year.

And now the challenge was on. How many times could I do it? And each year since I've paddled my way all the way up to this year's record of 35!

I was going for 34, since last year I got to 33. But yesterday morning I matched that. Then, because they were calling for rain today, I went around again last evening before sunset, just to be sure I got in paddle number 34.

And then, wouldn't you know it, it wasn't raining this morning, and the water was all flat and calm, and I never know now when it will be my 'last' paddle of the out I went again.

Ta da! Thirty-five times around the island this season!!!!

I think I'll write that down in our cottage log.

Here's where I think it's important to talk about balance. Because, just like there's a delicate balance in the kayak itself, I find setting and achieving goals requires some finesse as well.

Not everyone is goal-oriented, so for some, a little butt-kicking is sometimes in order. It's that old saying, "If you aim for nothing you'll hit it every time." Here the balance would be towards more intentionality, accountability and simply just to 'git 'er done.'

But other personalities, the driven ones (of which I've been told I am one), need balance towards the other side of the kayak. I have been known to get focused on the number and forget the purpose, even to the degree that I risk my own well-being.

It's happened in the kayak (See August 30th's post), but it can happen if I'm on a diet, checking things off a list, or even tending to a cue of requests asking for my help and/or attention.

I love purposes statements almost as I love achieving a goal. And that's where I find my own best balance. Because an equal part of the kayaking experience for me is the therapy of it, the healing of it, the serenity of moving silently across still waters which restores my soul. And if I make the number, the goal, too much my focus, it will become counter-productive. I will totally miss out on all the contours of the island (or whatever the experience) wants to give me.

We were talking about this together with friends not that long ago. About how driven the Apostle Paul was, but how he kept coming back to his own purpose statement, his own 'main thing.'

"The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself in love."
Galatians 5:6

Happy goal-setting everyone.
September can be a time for this.
Hope you find your balance.

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