The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Whatever is....

These little beauties are flourishing this season. They've found a space between the rocks beside our dock right by the water.

Being the 'accidental gardener' that I am, I couldn't be happier with their choice to make themselves at home here. My kayak is parked just outside the frame (to the left in the wider shot), so they greet me each morning as I get in, and welcome me back at the end of each ride.

It doesn't take much.

Two things from this.

One is how essential it is to my mental and spiritual health to engage in the practice of 'noticing'. This was introduced to me in my 30s, as part of burnout recovery therapy, as 'rejoicing' (based on Philippians 4:4-9), and the assignment was simply to say thank you throughout the day whenever something true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy came to my attention.

The gratitude piece was what we were after at the time, and very importantly so. But what I think has also developed in the 30 years since is a keener eye to notice these things. And it's wonderful!


There's so much goodness in the world if we just pay attention.

The second thing is more about giving it away. It doesn't take much to bring something true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy into someone's day. These are really tiny blossoms, yet they offer so much joy.

Honestly? Sometimes just a smile between strangers will do it.

And, humbly, my hope is that maybe something I write or a picture I post can be part of that for you.

Happy Saturday of the Long Weekend friends.
Hope you notice a truckload of lovely things!

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