The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Friday, March 1, 2024

A Forest Housecleaning

My walk in our little woods yesterday was a tad unnerving, I have to say.  Littered across the path were so many downed trees, the result it seems from Wednesday's wind.  

It was clear, not just from what threatened to block the trail, but also what was off to the sides, a fair amount of trees, tall ones, were not up to the stress of such severe weather.

What made me a little nervous, though, wasn't just having to climb over fallen trunks.  It was the sound of deep groans and creaking any time the wind picked up.  I found myself hoping I'd get a decent amount of notice, some bigger noises or something, if any other tree decided right now was when they were going to timber to the ground.

I supposed it's creation's way of doing some housecleaning.  Old wood has to come down in order to clear the way for new growth.  A a good enough storm will do it.  And while the city will soon come in and clear things away a bit - they really do a good job of keeping these trails open - if this was a more remote forest, the cycle would just continue on its own.  

And oh there are so many trails down which this metaphor could take me.  For now I think I'll just stick with the idea that sometimes a good storm helps clear away what needed to go.  Helps to set perspectives and priorities.  Helps me let go of old things that weren't as sturdy as they looked.  Opens the space for new ideas and approaches.  

I am so looking forward to a gathering this evening of women who've weathered some decent storms in my life with me, and help keep me honest.  

But before that I have Timothy over today, and likely he'll ask if we can do some dusting, which honestly is a requested activity at Gramma's.  Bonus!

I'm hearing it's supposed to get all spring-like again today.  Perfect for a walk down to the Dollar Store...another favourite activity.

Happy Friday, whatever it brings you.

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