The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Friday, March 22, 2024

Did Jesus Like Chocolate?

I'm making a little video to send to the kids at Hot Springs for Easter.

I got the idea in January, that perhaps, to help keep the connections strong while I'm away, I might send a little message along, once a month. Last month's theme was Valentine's. This month, obviously, it's Easter.

Thought I'd show them some of the traditions we do with children, especially, here in Canada, since Easter isn't on the national radar of celebrations in Thailand. No school days off, nothing really in the stores. No one's suddenly pulling out all the pastels from their closets.

Of course, Christians celebrate Easter big time, especially on Resurrection Morning. But since it's not even 'Spring' in that part of the world, there's no hint of marking the reawakening of the earth, new growth; nothing from the Euro-pagan background much of our culture's traditions and rituals are actually based on.

I've known this for a while, of course. How the Christian story of Jesus' death and resurrection has become associated with pagan symbols of eggs and chicks and bunnies. How chocolate came into the rather recently, and hey, who can complain about that?

I've known it for a while, but it wasn't until I was trying to explain all this - in Thai no less - that I remembered how culturally integrated and maybe doctrinally blurred my core beliefs can become if I'm not careful.

To be clear, I'm not against chocolate. Or bunnies, or egg hunts. I welcome Spring for Spring's sake with joy, and have no problem connecting new life with Resurrected Life. So I'm not suggesting we abandon any of the 'fun' parts of the season. And may I be so bold to say that if there was such a thing as chocolate in Jesus' time, He would have loved it. Because, come on. Chocolate.

So no downers here. It's just that I've found the exercise of explaining this cross-culturally to be a very good reminder to myself to be mindful of what I'm doing and why. To be careful in passing down the traditions to my grandchildren, all of them, so as to make these distinctions with them. To make the most important things most important.

Now, in all this talk about Easter and Spring, here we are today on a Friday expecting another last-blast of snowy weather. Sigh. I do want to pull out the pastels from my close. But today I just feel cold, and so I've put on the sweater and wrapped myself in a big warm scarf. Settling in here for some good work to finish off the week.

So, onward into the day, friends.
Spring will eventually get here.
And however you mark it, I trust it will be full of new energy and life for you.

And...if you are interested in experiencing the Christian story of Easter in a fresh and creative way...

Check out "In the Name of Love" at Highview Community Church on Thursday, March 28 and Friday, March 29 at 7:30.

The retelling of the story incorporating the music of U2.
Visually compelling backdrops on screen.
Powerful presentation of the music.
No cost, but a collection for supportive housing in New Hamburg will be taken.
No tickets, but please go to to reserve your spot.

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